Sunday, June 28, 2009

First few days at MCL

"waaaah! pasukan na!". These words came into my mind when im about to start my college life here at MCL. At first, only my friends from my high school where my friends and I just make friends to all persons that i encounter. In my first day, I remembered my high school life when I'm with my friends and we're all happy go lucky type of persons. We all have the same thought for college life. When we're in high school, we envisioned college to be very strict, full of unkind professors and a lot of boastful schoolmates inside the campus. And now, I stand corrected. (^^,)

For me, values education is the foundation of a morally upright person. Values shapes our relationships, our behaviors, our choices, and our sense of who we are. The more positive our values, the most positive our actions. This is one of the reasons why values education is being taught or included in both elementary and Secondary levels because it plays a great role for students' becoming successful in their own choice of careers. Values perse, is the anchor to a person who dreams successfully in life.

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